Friday 1 June 2012

Atlantic Book Awards' 2012 winners announced

In St. John's Newfoundland on May 17, 2012, the winners of the Atlantic Book Awards for 2012 were announced.

Of the nine Atlantic Book Awards, three awards are specific for children's and YA literature. A fourth award was won by a young adult book and has been included here as well.  The winners in these award categories are listed below.

Ann Connor Brimer Award 
for Children’s Literature

The Year Mrs. Montague Cried
by Susan White 
Acorn Press

Lillian Shepherd Memorial Award 
for Excellence in Illustration
There were Monkeys in My Kitchen
Illustrated by Sydney Smith
Written by Sheree Fitch
Nimbus Publishing


Margaret and John Savage 
First Book Award
The Town That Drowned 
by Riel Nason
Goose Lane Editions

The Bruneau Family Children’s/Young Adult Literature Award
Jack and the Manger
by Andy Jones
Running the Goat Books & Broadsides

 Congratulations  and  Félicitations

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