Saturday 15 June 2013

2013 IODE Violet Downey Book Award winner announced!

The National Chapter of Canada IODE (Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire), a women's charitable organization, has been offering the Violet Downey Book Award since 1985.  This award of $3000 is offered annually for the best English language book for children up to age 13 containing at least 500 words of text published in Canada in the previous year and selected from submitted books.

In March, the short list of books nominated for the  2013 Violet Downey Book Award were announced. And on May 31, the winner was announced at IODE Canada’s 113th National Annual Meeting held at the Carriage House Inn in Calgary.

The 2013 Violet Downey Book Award winner is

The Green Man
by Michael Bedard
Tundra Books
304 pp.
Ages 11-14

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