This week, the Festival of Trees was held at Toronto's Harbourfront. Over 8000 readers participated in the events at the Festival, which focused on the awards ceremonies for the different Forest of Reading programs of the Ontario Library Association.

Here are this year's readers' choice selections for each reading program:
Blue Spruce
Honour Books
Written by Linda Bailey
Illustrated by Bill Slavin
Illustrated by Bill Slavin
Kids Can Press
Written by Kyo Maclear
Illustrated by Marion Arbona
Illustrated by Marion Arbona
Tundra Books
Silver Birch EXPRESS
by Andrée Poulin
Annick Press
Annick Press
Honour Books
Myles and the Monster Outside
by Philippa Dowding
Illustrated by Shawn Daigle
Pink is for Blobfish: Discovering the World's Perfectly Pink Animals
by Jess Keating
Illustrated by David DeGrande
A.A. Knopf Books for Young Readers

Honour Books

Honour Books
Le Prix Peuplier
Livres distingués
Le dragon vert: L'enfance de Van
Texte et illustrations de Jacques Goldstyn
Bayard Canada
Une étoile sur la dune
Texte et Illustrations de Danielle Loranger
Bouton d'or Acadie
Livres distingués
Red Maple Fiction
Honour Books
by Kevin Sylvester
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Trouble is a Friend of Mine
by Stephanie Tromly
Penguin Young Readers Group
Red Maple Non-Fiction
Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls
are Used in War
by Michel Chikwanine and Jessica Dee Humphreys
Illustrated by Claudia Dávila
Kids Can Press
are Used in War
by Michel Chikwanine and Jessica Dee Humphreys
Illustrated by Claudia Dávila
Kids Can Press
Honour Books
by Ella Burakowski
Second Story Press
Vanished: True Tales of Mysterious Disappearances
by Elizabeth MacLeod
Annick Press

Honour Books
Exit, Pursued by a Bear
by E. K. Johnston
Dutton Books
Thrilling news for all authors, illustrators and publishers!
Enjoyed all the more for being selected
by young Canadian readers!
Congratulations to everyone!