Thursday 12 June 2014

2014 Arthur Ellis winner for Best Juvenile/Young Adult Crime Book

On the evening of June 5th (yes, already a week ago) the Arthur Ellis Awards for Excellence in Canadian Crime Writing were awarded by the Crime Writers of Canada. Awarded annually since 1984, the Arthur Ellis Awards include the following categories:

For Published Works:
  • Best Crime Novel *
  • Best First Crime Novel *
  • Best Crime Book in French
  • Best Crime Nonfiction
  • Best Juvenile/Young Adult Crime Book
  • Best Crime Short Story
For Unpublished Work:
  • The Unhanged Arthur Award for Best Unpublished First Crime Novel *

Here is the award information relevant to youngCanLit:

2014 Arthur Ellis Award for  
Best Juvenile/Young Adult Crime Book 

The nominees were . . .

And the Winner is . . .

Bones Never Lie:
How Forensics Helps Solve History's Mysteries
by Elizabeth MacLeod
Annick Press
160 pp.
Ages 9-12

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