Saturday 14 June 2014

2013 LYRA Indie Novel Contest winners

Bookstore Without Borders, an online store that brings readers to self-published authors' books, has awarded their first LYRA Indie Novel Contest awards.  LYRA, which is an acronym for Linking Your Readers & Authors, offered awards in the following categories for 2013 published books:
  • Science Fiction 
  • Young Adult 
  • Novella 
  • Juvenile 
  • Romance 
  • Women's Fiction
  • Mystery/Suspense/Thriller 
  • Fantasy 
  • Inspirational
  • Historical
  • Overall LYRA Award
Because the winner of the Young Adult category is Canadian, I would like to recognize her award here.

The winner of the 2013 LYRA Indie Novel Award in the Young Adult category is

by Jacqueline E. Garlick
Amazemo Books
458 pp.
Ages 12+
December 2013

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so so SO much for this honour!!! (smiling till it hurts!)