Thursday 3 July 2014

2014 Golden Oak winner announced: The Stamp Collector

Part of the Ontario Library Association's Forest of Reading® program, the Golden Oak™ Award voting and announcement are separate from the school-age programs. As such, the 2014 winner of the Golden Oak™ Award was voted on by adult readers in May and announced at The Learners' Conference in Toronto, ON on June 5, 2014.

Selected from both fiction and non-fiction titles, 
the winner of the 2014 Golden Oak™ Award is

The Stamp Collector
by Jennifer Lanthier
Illustrations by François Thisdale
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
32 pp.
Ages 8+

In the news release from the OLA, author Jennifer Lanthier is quoted about her feelings on winning this award. 
“My heart is so full right now I can hardly type these words,” writes Jennifer Lanthier, author of The Stamp Collector. “Never in a million years did I imagine this little book would win such a wonderful and important award.”
The Stamp Collector is all about the power of sharing our stories, our voices with the world,” says Lanthier. “Please keep reading, keep writing and keep sharing your stories. You shine a light in the darkness that the darkness will never, ever be able to put out.”

Jennifer Lanthier
François Thisdale

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